Troubleshooting Server

Isolate the Problem

Layouts Flow

Solve the Problem

  • Start with the client and release.
  • Ensure that all the steps are followed.
  • Include any information used in troubleshooting logs, release testing etc that may help identifying the issue.
  • Any error must be accompanied by the corresponding log entry.
  • Check the knowledge base first.
  • Ask for help in the Support Room only.
  • Add knowledge base article.

Log Levels

To increase the log levels, navigate to Services -> Logging in PT Admin UI.

  • Select the appropriate log level and click Update.
  • Select the log level: TRACE = highest amount of information, ERROR = Lowest amount of info.
  • Select whether the increased logging level should remain after restart. It is recommended to not keep DEBUG and TRACE levels for extended period.
  • Click Update.

Rebuilding Indexes

To rebuild all indexes, Navigate to Services -> Tasks -> Indexing

  • Run a Repair all indexes when the indexes are mostly complete and there is only some out of date data.
  • Run a Rebuild all indexes, when there is no index data.

Debug Mode

To start PaperTrail in Debug Mode in Windows:

  • Start the console_debug.exe command line app.

To start PaperTrail in Debug Mode in Linux:

  • Add the following to the just after the java command:
// Ex : java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=n -Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=196m -classpath $(echo ../build/*.jar ../libs/*.jar . | sed 's/ /:/g'):conf com.egis.Startup

Running Jobs

Any long running job will be listed under Services -> Jobs. These include:

  • Scheduled Rules.
  • Index Repairs / Rebuilds.
  • File Store Repairs.
  • Database Backups / Restores.

Failure to Start

If PaperTrail fails to start, follow these steps :

  • Check that Java is installed and no other service is listening on the default port.
  • Verify that the database is up and accepting connections from the configured user/password.
  • Verify that user, service run as user has appropriate permissions to read and write to all directories in the installation directory.
  • Review the log files under logs - specifically error.log, output.log, server.log.

Low Performance

  • Check the memory usage. Take a snapshot and review the vminfo.txt file, the total GC time should be below 1% of uptime. If the total GC time is higher, it indicates that the heap space should be increased.
  • If running on a virtualization platform, ensure the host has enough resources.
  • Check to ensure that there is enough IO capacity for the application.
  • Verify that 3rd party application is not utilizing CPU, RAM and IO resources.
  • Verify that the Database has enough RAM and IO capacity.
  • Verify that database indexes are created and statistics are up to date.
  • Review thread dump at http://host:8080/snapshot/threads for threads with high CPU usage.
  • Verify best practices.

Checking log files

Rules debugging

If you expect some rule to be applied to created/updated/deleted document and it doesn't it's probably because that document doesn't get covered by rule's source conditions.

To see if that's the case, set com.egis.index.query to DEBUG - see how in Log Levels section. Then you'll see the SQL queries and their result set counts in log console.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""