SAML Single Sign On

SAML SSO lets a third-party service (an identify provider) authenticate users. A user is authenticated on an identity provider’s website.

The identity provider redirects the user to the PaperTrail website and sends PaperTrail a SAML token. PaperTrail validates the SAML token and logs the user in. The user does not enter a username or a password.

From Services →Properties →SSO (SAML), select these fields:

  • Public Key: The name of the identity provider’s public key. The public key is in the conf directory in the installation folder.
  • Private Key: If encryption is used for the SAML token, enter the path to the private key.
  • Identity Provider URL: The URL of the identity provider endpoint.
  • Login Mapping: The element in the SAML token that maps to the login name in PaperTrail. Usually, the element is NameID.
  • Login Prefix: If the identity provider NameID is digits only, add users in PaperTrail with a prefix specified here in their login. eg. Idp = 1234 and PaperTrail User Login = u1234

To make all authentication use SAML, change the Services→Properties→Front End→Login Page property to /saml.

Windows Based SSO (NTLM)

NTLM SSO allows for users to be logged in automatically if they are already logged onto their domain account on their PC.

Check Services → Properties → SSO (Windows Kerberos/NTLM)

Windows Based SSO (NTLM): Automatic Logon settings

If SSO is not functioning as expected (e.g. the browser displays a Windows Security authentication window prompting for credentials), check the settings in Internet Explorer around Automatic Logon:

  • Ensure that the Custom-level Security Setting for User Authentication is set to Automatic log-on only in Intranet zone
  • Add the hostname and IP address of the PaperTrail server to the Local intranet zone

Note: The Google Chrome browser uses the security settings around SSO from those defined in Internet Explorer.

Linux Based SSO (Kerberos)

Sometimes PaperTrail is installed on Linux server but needs to login in users automatically via Active Directory – This is only possible by using native Kerberos

  • Add the server (e.g., papertrail-srv) to the AD Domain (e.g., ad.local)
  • Create a user account (e.g., papertrail-acc) on the AD Domain
  • Configure PaperTrail to run as the user account (e.g., papertrail-acc)
  • Create a SPN for each path that PaperTrail will be accessed by.

    e.g., for port 80:
    setspn.exe -A HTTP/papertrail-srv papertrail-acc
    setspn.exe -A HTTP/ papertrail-acc
    e.g., for port 8080:
    setspn.exe -A HTTP/papertrail-srv:8080 papertrail-acc
    setspn.exe -A HTTP/ papertrail-acc
  • Enable SSO on PaperTrail by editing the Services → Properties → SSO (Kerberos) properties.

    Enable: ticked
    Domain: ad.local
    KDC: (whichever server responds to "ping ad.local" should be listed here)
    Username: papertrail-acc
    Principal: papertrail-acc
    Password: {password for papertrail-acc}
  • Update the Front End → Index Page to: /web/webapps/main.html.

  • Users need to be logged onto the domain (ad.local) and access PaperTrail via the FQDN (e.g.,

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