
System cannot find the file specified

java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "pg\_dump": CreateProcess error=2
Reason : The system cannot find the file specified
Solution : Add the Postgresql/bin directory to the System PATH environment variable

System cannot find the file specified

java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "mysql\_dump"
Reason : The system cannot find the file specified
Solution : Add the MySQL/bin directory to the System PATH environment variable

Database connection Pool exhausted

JDBCExceptionReporter [:] Cannot get a connection, pool error Timeout waiting for idle object Database connection pool is exhausted,

Solution :

  • Check for database connection leak warning messages in the log files beforehand
  • Check database lookup configurations

Permission denied

failed <SocketConnector@>:80: [java.net](http://java.net/).BindException: Permission denied

Solution : To run PaperTrail on port 80 you need to be root, change http.port=8080

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