

OAuth authentication for EWS is only available in Exchange Online as part of Microsoft 365
EWS applications that use OAuth must be registered with Azure Active Directory.

Required keys

  • Application (client) ID - client_id
  • Directory (tenant) ID - tenant_id
  • Secret Value (Not Secret Id)
    • This disappears once it is created and window changes - secret_value
    • NB: This is only for Application Access


Go to the Azure Portal
Click ‘view’ under “Manage Azure Active Directory” > “App registrations”
Either Click to edit a Registered App or click on “New registration” Under “Authentication” , Setup Supported Account Types and Advanced Settings


Setup Supported Account Types and Advanced Settings

Enable “Allow public client flows”

The following are Default URLs
msal{client/tenant id}://auth

Setup the following Custom Redirect Urls

Application Access

Expose an API:

Add the following scopes:

Scope Name Who Can Consent? Admin consent display name Admin consent description User consent display name User consent description State
Mail.send Admins and users Send Mail Send Mail Send Mail Send Mail Enabled
PTScope Admins and users Read Read Enabled

Add a client application

  • Select both added scopes
  • Add your client id for the application
  • Submit


Add the below object to the requiredResourceAccess array

  "resourceAppId": "00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000",
  "resourceAccess": [
      "id": "dc890d15-9560-4a4c-9b7f-a736ec74ec40", 
      "type": "Role"

App Roles

Add a new Role

Display Name Allowed Member Types Value Description Do you want to enable this app role?
Impersonate Both (Users/Groups + Applications) ApplicationImpersonation Impersonate True

API permissions

Click the Grant admin consent for *****

It should show Granted For **** under the status column for the row full_access_as_app


Azure Portal

results matching ""

    No results matching ""