Best Practises

Testing Data

Test data (users, groups, permissions, etc) should be combined into a single test/TestData.yml i.e the install and upgrade folders should match the production environment.


  • For large and complex configurations break down YAML files into multiple logical sections, just ensure they are named with an appropriate prefixes if they are interdependant e.g.
    • Z0.DataSources.yml
    • Z1.ListIndex.yml
    • Z1.Node.root.yml - Root folder structure with no indexes or rules
    • Z2.Node.yml - Node structure with indexes and rules
    • Z3.Groups.yml - Groups and roles - Test users should go into TestData
    • Z2.Permissions.yml - Global permissions and Node tree with permissions only (excluding rules and indexes)

Node Structure and Taxonomy

  • Index names should be: lower_case
  • Node names should be: Human Readable and short
  • User folders or a folder per user is an anti-pattern, User, Owner or Creator context permissions are often more suitable

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