Document export, maintaining the node structure

Document export

  • To export the document repository to a local path, maintaining the PaperTrail node structure as directories, add a Scheduled Rule from the Administration > Services section:
  • Set the Schedule to 0 (Use the Run Now command to run the rule as required)
  • Set the Query to the node you wish to export, including the checkbox Search Nodes Below
  • Set autoExport as the Rule and Folder as the Mechanism
  • In the Filename field, use ${node}/${filename}
  • Under Include, select Source

Verify the exported document count

  • Navigate to Administration > Services > Jobs
  • Check the Scheduled Rule: Export job and note the number of documents processed under the Status field. Note: Documents of Type Item (no file) will naturally not export and will be counted under the failed status
  • You can also check the results in the log file

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