Troubleshooting High CPU usage

Before doing anything else

Before restarting PaperTrail always try and get a snapshot:


and/or a thread dump


If the web interface is unresponsive, use the command line to retrieve a thread dump.

On Linux: /etc/init.d/papertrail heap
On Windows: In , Run jps to get the PID of the service and then jstack -dump:format=b,file=C:\heap.bin <PID>

Common Causes of high CPU usage

If a single CPU core is at 100%, the culprit would normally be single thread that reoccurs in every single thread dump.

If all CPU cores are at 100% or near 100%, the cause is either:

a) memory exhaustion - very little free memory, jstat would return very high garbage collection times (GC)
b) an endless loop
c) too many worker threads and/or too few cores

Analyzing a Thread Dump

Analyzing a thread dump involves looking through all the threads on the running system to identify a pattern.

  • Any thread in a TIMED_WAITING or WAITING state can be safely ignored as these threads are sleeping waiting for something else to occur.

  • Jetty threads in the RUNNINGstate can also be ignored as they are waiting for a client to make a TCP/IP connection

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