Manipulating the linking critera

Linking Documents On Numbers Only

Specific node links can be added to only search the digit portion of the index value using IF ELSE logic, i.e.

<Destination Node>/recursive=true&<Destination Index>=${if (<Source Index> == null) "" else <Source Index>.find("\\d+")}


  • Destination Node: <Root node/child node/>
  • recursive=true: when searching over multiple child nodes
  • Destination Index: Index field you want to link to
  • Source Index: Index field on node you're linking from
  • ${if ( == null): If source index has no Value
  • "" else .find("\d+")}: Find matching Numeric Value

Linking on Numeric with custom field Order_No

eg. Order_No = 12345

<Destination Node>/recursive=true&Order_No=${if (Order_No == null) "" else Order_No.find("\\d+")}

Linking on Alphanumeric with custom field Order_No

eg. Order_No = PO12345

"" else Order_No.find("\\w+")

Linking on Alphanumeric, Space, Numeric with custom field Order_No

eg. Order_No = PO 12345

Regex Examples eg.

1) \w+ : All alphanumeric values

2) \W : A non-word character: [^\w]

3) \d+ : All numeric values

4) \D : A non-digit: [^0-9]

5) \s : A whitespace character

results matching ""

    No results matching ""