Data Sources

A DataSource is a generic abstraction over access and querying databases, it can be linked directly to List, and called via the front-end using /data/{datasource name}/.

The type of datasource can also be switched (provided the name is retained) to allow different implementations during production / staging etc..

  • Database connections are pooled based on connection string and username.
  • Column headers and index values must match index values in PaperTrail, otherwise give columns aliases by using the “AS” function.
  • All native SQL commands and functions can be used in the statement.
  • Separate columns in SELECT statements by commas.
  • If column names contain spaces, double quotes (“ “) should be used to surround the name in order to concatenate the name.

It is recommended to use system properties to specify the URL, Username and Password so that they can be externalized and reused across multiple rules. e.g. ${lob.db.url}

Paramaters are passed via ${param1} expressions e.g.

 SELECT * FROM Invoices WHERE Invoice_No = '${invoice_no}

Using UPDATE, DELETE, EXEC or INSERT SQL keywords will use PreparedStatement.executeUpdate()) while all other Keywords will use PreparedStatement.executeQuery)

Direct Access

You can also use direct JDBC or the SQLUtils library to access external databases via a runScript rule - Ensure that you follow the pattern below

import com.egis.datasource.JdbcDataSourceCache
import com.egis.kernel.Kernel
import com.egis.utils.SQLUtils
import javax.sql.DataSource

String url = System.getProperty("lob.db.url");
String username = System.getProperty("lob.db.username");
String password  = System.getProperty("lob.db.password");
DataSource ds = Kernel.get(JdbcDataSourceCache.class).get(url, username, password)

SQLUtils.executeStatement(ds, "EXEC sp.StoreProc(?,?,?)", "param1", "param2", "param3")

Note that a Connection or DataSource is not created directly but delegated to JdbcDataSourceCache so that connection pooling can occur

Database JDBC Configs

Server Configuration
Microsoft SQL Server jdbc:sqlserver://[serverName[\instanceName][:portNumber]];databaseName=<databaseName>[;property=value[;property=value]] or jdbc:sqlserver://host;databaseName=test123
MYSQL jdbc:mysql://<database server>:<ports>/<database names>
PostgreSQL jdbc:postgresql://<database server>:<port>/<databaseName>


SELECT Statement : To Fetch records from an external database to PaperTrail records.

Format :

   SELECT No_ AS Invoice_No, 
     LEFT(CONVERT(date, "Posting Date"),10) 
     AS Invoice_Date,"Order No_" 
     AS Internal_Order, "Sell-to Customer No_" 
     AS Customer_No,"External Document No_" 
     AS Customer_Order_No, "Shipment Method Code" 
     AS Delivery_Method 
   FROM "SAFINTRA JHB$Sales Invoice Header" 
   WHERE No_ = '${invoice_no}

UPDATE Statement : To Update records from an external database to PaperTrail records.

Format :

UPDATE test 
SET Index1 = 'asdf' 
WHERE Invoice_Number = ${Invoice_Number}

Rules for SQL statements

  • Column headers and index values must match index values in PaperTrail, otherwise give columns aliases by using the “AS” function.
  • All native SQL commands and functions can be used in the statement.
  • Separate columns in SELECT statements by commas.
  • If column names contain spaces, double quotes (“ “) should be used to surround the name in order to concatenate the name.


When to run the SQL Lookup or Update.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""