EasyPDF deployment and configuration

Software Requirements

The following software will have to be installed on the EasyPDF server :

  1. Windows Server 2008 32/64 bit.
  2. PaperTrail 32 bit (latest release available).
  3. EasyPDF version 6/7 32 bit.
  4. EasyPDF PaperTrail Addon 32 bit (EasyPDF 6 requires Addon r5453 and EasyPDF 7 requires Addon r8738).
  5. Microsoft Office 2010.
  6. Any other native applications that may need to be converted to PDF by EasyPDF (i.e. AutoCAD).

Note : UAC should be disabled on the machine before any software is installed.

Local Installation

(Both PaperTrail and EasyPDF running on same host) :

  • Install EasyPDF application.
  • Install PaperTrail release.
  • Install EasyPDF PaperTrail Addon.
  • Set the “BCL easyPDF SDK 7 Loader” and “Papertrail” services to run as the same account which should be granted administrative permissions.
  • Start PaperTrail and confirm that installation was successful.
  • Add the following line to the easypdf.properties file and restart PaperTrail thereafter :
  • Import test documents to confirm that all is set up correctly.

Remote Installation

(Both PaperTrail and EasyPDF running on separate hosts) :

EasyPDF server

Same as Local Installation

PaperTrail application server :

  1. Once PaperTrail is up and running, set the below properties in the papertrail.properties file to enable remote conversions :
  2. Import test documents on application server to confirm that all is set up correctly.


If any conversion issue are being experienced, create a .vbs file which can be run to test conversions outside of PaperTrail. The paths in the properties are input and output files, and should be configured accordingly:

Set oPrinter = CreateObject("easyPDF.Printer.7")
Set oPrintJob = oPrinter.PrintJob
oPrintJob.PrintOut "C:\\test.txt", "C:\\output.pdf"

Another way to test the conversions is to navigate to C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\BCL Technologies\\easyPDF SDK 7\\Samples\\Visual C\#\\EasyPDFPrinterTest and then running EasyPDFPrinterTest.exe. This will allow you to select an input document to convert and specify the output path of the PDF.

For any more information, the user manual can be accessed here

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