Desktop Agent

  1. Click Next to proceed with installation.
    Desktop 1
  2. After selecting destination directory, click Next.
    Desktop 2
  3. Enable the Create a Start Menu Folder and click Next.
    Desktop 3
  4. Please wait while PaperTrail Desktop Agent is installed.
    Desktop 4
  5. Select Additional Tasks and click Next.
    Desktop 5
  6. Click Finish.
    Desktop 6
  7. After the installation, select a Setup Type and click Next.
    Desktop 7
  8. You can enter your PaperTrail server details and click Next.
    Desktop 8
  9. You can select your Watched Folders location as displayed and click Next.
    Desktop 9
  10. Select a Document Type and click Next.
    Desktop 10
  11. Click Finish to complete the setup process.
    Desktop 11
  12. You can go to the following link to access the desktop agent: http://localhost:8884.

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