
Updating the log settings

  • All log settings are stored in the conf/logback.groovy file.
  • The Admin -> Services -> Logging page will make changes to this file if the After Restart option is selected.


Logger Description Verbosity
com.egis.index Info about updates to the search index 10+ lines per doc update
com.egis.index.query SQL and Search index queries 10+ lines per search
com.egis.storage File operations 1+ lines per file read/write
com.egis.kernel.messaging All messages – useful to see what is occurring as a whole 10+ lines per transaction and/or event
com.egis.web.WebErrorHandlerImpl Show full validation and access denied errors Full stack on validation or access denied exception
com.egis.conversion Issues with converting files to PDF and Flash Up to 20+ lines per conversion
com.egis.web.ActionResource All user actions initiated via the UI with params, very verbose 1 long log line for every user action
com.egis.DocumentLogger All actions on documents, somewhat verbose Up to 5 - 10 lines per document operation
com.egis.requests All HTTP requests, very verbose 1 line per HTTP request
com.egis.workflow All Workflow rules fired up until a stationary rule is reached (Human Task, Unassigned Task) 10+ lines depending on amount of rules
com.egis.allocation.QueueService queue fill events
com.egis.party.GroupSyncService Group sync job's user group membership actions 2 lines per user

Log file Retention

  • To configure the number of days to keep Papertrail logs, locate and edit the following document: PaperTrail/conf/logback.groovy
  • The example below keeps the logs for a period of 14 days:
    appender("FILE", RollingFileAppender) { 
    file = "logs/server.log"     
    append = true     
    rollingPolicy(TimeBasedRollingPolicy) {  
    maxHistory = 14  
    FileNamePattern = "logs/server-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log"
  • Locate the section maxHistory = 14. Please modify the 14 with the amount of days to keep logs.
  • Restart PaperTrail for the settings to take effect.

Logging to Syslog Host

import com.egis.utils.apm.*; 
import org.productivity.java.syslog4j.impl.net.tcp.*; 
appender("SYSLOG", SyslogAppender) {  
layout(LogglyLayout) {        
apiToken = "XXXXX"     
syslogConfig(TCPNetSyslogConfig) { 
host =  "logs-01.loggly.com"
port = 514
ident = "papertrail"     

Filtering logs

e.g To filter out all sql SELECT statemetns with db.debug=true:

import ch.qos.logback.core.filter.*
import ch.qos.logback.classic.boolex.*
import static ch.qos.logback.core.spi.FilterReply.*

appender("STDOUT", ConsoleAppender) {
    filter(EvaluatorFilter) {
      evaluator(GEventEvaluator) {
        expression = 'e.message.toLowerCase().startsWith("select")'
      onMismatch = NEUTRAL
      onMatch = DENY 

    // encoder(PatternLayoutEncoder)...


Logging to a GELF Host

Replace //gelf in the logback.groovy with:

appender("GELF", GelfAppender) { 
host = "${gelfHost}"
filter(ThresholdFilter) { 
level = ${gelfLevel} 
port = 12201 
additionalFields =  '{"threadName": "threadName", "exception": "exception", "loggerName": "loggerName", "ip":"ip","user":"user","doc":"doc"}' 

The following properties will automate this setup: gelf.host and gelf.level

results matching ""

    No results matching ""