YAML Import and Export

In addition to the various CSV and XML based exports available, a generic export/import interface is available via: [via?] Imports can be imported multiple times without creating duplicates, this can be used for updating configuration.


To import one or more entities:

POST: /dao/import/yml

To export all instances of an entity:


To export a specific entity:


Where {Entity} is one of:

  • User All permissions and group memberships will be retained
  • Node All child nodes, indexes, permissions and rules will be retained
  • ListIndex - All values will be retained.
  • DataSource
  • RuleApplication
  • QueueConfig
  • MetaModel
  • Form
  • Template
  • Contact
  • All entities will export something - but the output may or may not import back in.

Using httpie:

http --auth admin:test POST "http://localhost:8080/dao/import/yml" "Accept:*" < ~/test.yml

results matching ""

    No results matching ""