Template Extraction

Extract from Templates

  1. Setup a folder called 'extraction templates'
  2. Extract templates from cloud client who has this setup.
  3. Bulk Export to obtain the extraction zones.
  4. Import the templates in the admin section from Tasks->Documents Archive.
  5. Add extract from template rules to those nodes that need to be setup.

Setting up and Configuring Extract from Template rules

  • Add new extraction templates node under System as follow
  • Import or copy documents ( PDF based ) to the extraction templates node, that you will be setting up as a template.
  • Setup new extractFromTemplates rule on the node where the documents will be importing.
  • Select the Template Editor for the Template editor to open in a new window.
  • Select one of the documents that have been copied to your extraction templates node from the drop down setup-3
  • Add a new Static Field ( This field will be used to recognize the document to use with this template ) setup-4
  • Ensure you add your default value for the documents to be recognized setup-5
  • Add the new Zone Fields ( This will be configure for the Indexes ) Change the field ID to match your index name. setup-6
  • Position the field on the document where you want the information to read from the document. setup-7
  • Once completed hit the save and Redeploy button to save your work to start testing.

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    No results matching ""