Barcode Recognition Setup

1) Setup an extractFromBarcode rule on the appropriate node
2) Install the Softek SDK. You can download the latest version from:
Windows SDK v8.1.2 - Ensure you use V8.1.2 only
Linux SDK v8.3.1

For a list of all versions go to Bardecode, although a different license may need to be loaded via the License property. A license and XML file can be specified in the "Advanced" section of the extractFromBarcode rule by adding the lines
LicenseKey=<license here>

Linux: Copy the barcode_linux.tar.gz file to the destination host and run the following commands:
gzip -d barcode_linux.tar.gz
tar -xf barcode_linux.tar
In the resultant bardecoder_8_3_1 directory, sudo ./

Libraries need to be copied to /usr/lib/ on Linux installations. Below is a list of the libraries which need to be copied:

  • java/Softek/Barcode.class
  • java/Softek/
  • lib/bardecode.a
  • lib/
  • lib/

Windows: Install the EXE file, e.g. C:\Softek812
Set the System Path environment variable to include the bin directory, e.g. C:\Softek812\bin

Once the Softek Barcode Reader software has been installed, restart PaperTrail then setup the extractFromBarcode node rule

Once the above has been completed, an extractFromBarcode node rule can be configured in PaperTrail.

  • Filter: filename.toLowerCase().endsWith('.pdf')
  • Barcode Index: The text index to save the barcode value in barcode_value
  • Failed / Passed Index: Boolean indexes (optional) to flag if the extract failed / passed barcode_failed / barcode_read
  • Advanced: Enter the xml path (see below for format of the xml file) and license here
    xml=/opt/Papertrail/barcode.xml - Linux
    xml=C:\\Softek812\\barcode.xml - Windows
    LicenseKey=mylicensekey - Refer to LastPass Infrastructure Card

The next node rule will be extractFromIndex, targeting your Barcode Index barcode_value

  • Filter: indexes.containsKey('barcode_value') && barcode_value!= '' && barcode_value!= null
  • Use the regex to extract the barcode_value into separate indexes
  • Important: Once added, navigate to the /web/portal interface and select the node where you have the rule set. Click the drop-down menu at the node name > Rules. Edit the extractFromIndex rule and set the event to Document.update_index

An XML file in the following format can be created to configure specific properties:

<xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1'>

Supported Barcodes

  • Codabar also known as Code 2 of 7, Codeabar, Ames Code, NW-7 and Monarch (ReadCodabar)
  • Code 128 Symbol Sets A, B and C (ReadCode128)
  • Code 128 Short Format (ReadShortCode128)
  • Code 2 of 5 Datalogic (ReadCode25ni)
  • Code 2 of 5 Iata1 (ReadCode25ni)
  • Code 2 of 5 Iata2 (ReadCode25ni)
  • Code 2 of 5 Industrial (ReadCode25ni)
  • Code 2 of 5 Interleaved (ReadCode25)
  • Code 2 of 5 Matrix (ReadCode25ni)
  • Code 3 of 9 (ReadCode39)
  • Code 3 of 9 Extended (ReadCode39 and ExtendedCode39)
  • Code 93 (ReadCode93)
  • EAN-8, European Article Number/International Article Number (ReadEAN8)
  • EAN-13 and UPC-A, European Article Number/International Article Number (ReadEAN13)
  • GS1-128, UCC-128, EAN-128 (ReadCode128)
  • GS1-Databar (please see 2-D section below)
  • Patch Code Symbols (ReadPatchCodes)
  • UPC-A, Universal Product Code (ReadEAN13 and ReadUPCA)
  • UPC-E, Universal Product Code (ReadUPCE)
  • QR-Code (ReadQRCode)
  • Data Matrix ECC200 sizes 8x8 to 144x144 (ReadDataMatrix)
  • GS1-Databar
  • Micro-PDF-417 (ReadMicroPDF417)
  • PDF-417, Portable Data File (ReadPDF417)


Properties Description
AllowDuplicateValues Barcodes containing the same text on the same page
BarcodesAtTopOfPage Search from the top of a page downwards
Code128Lenient Relax some of the requirements for Code 128 barcodes
Code25Checksum Code 25 barcodes include checksum character
Code25MinLengthOccurrence Control for false positive readings for Code 25 barcodes
Code39Checksum Code 39 barcodes include checksum character
Code39MaxRatioPcnt Set the max ratio between the wide and narrow bars
Code39NeedStartStop Require start and stop * characters for a Code 39 barcode
ColorProcessingLevel Control the amount of processing time spent reading barcode values from color images
ColorThreshold Contrast setting for color images
ConvertUPCEToEAN13 Output UPC-E barcodes in EAN-13 format
DatabarOptions Set the advanced options for reading GS1 Databar barcodes
DataMatrixAutoUTF8 Automatic detection of UTF8 data in Datamatrix barcodes
Despeckle Clean up images containing specks of black and white
Encoding Character encoding for barcode values
ErrorCorrection Correct errors in barcodes
ExtendedCode39 Read Code 39 barcodes in the extended symbol set
GammaCorrection Gamma correction value for color images
LicenseKey Specify a new license key for Barcode engine
LineJump Frequency of line sampling in an image
MaxLength Maximum string length of a barcode
MaxRectOverlap Maximum number of threads
MaxThreads Maximum overlap for bounding rectangles
MedianFilter Apply a median filter to the image
MedianFilterBias Lighten/darken an image during a median filter
MinLength Minimum string length of a barcode
MinOccurrence Minimum number of hits needed to read a barcode
MinSeparation Minimum distance between similar barcodes
MinSpaceBarWidth Minimum width of a space in a barcode
MultipleRead Read more than one barcode
NoiseReduction Clean up images containing un-wanted black marks
PageNo Page number to scan in an image
Pattern Regular expression to search for
PDF417AutoUTF8 Automatic identification of UTF8 data in PDF-417 barcodes
Pdf417ChannelMode Control the way macros are handled in PDF417 barcodes
Pdf417MacroEscapeBackslash Handling of back slash characters in PDF417 macros
Photometric Photometric interpretation for a black and white bitmap
PrefOccurrence Preferred number of hits for a barcode
QRCodeAutoUTF8 Automatic identification of UTF8 data in QrCode barcodes
QRCodeBWAutoMedianFilter automatic use of median filter for QrCode detection
QuietZoneSize Size of quiet zone around a barcode
ReadCodabar Read Codabar barcodes
ReadCode128 Read Code 128 barcodes
ReadCode25 Read Code 25 (interlaced) barcodes
ReadCode25ni Read Code 25 (non-interlaced) barcodes
ReadCode39 Read Code 39 barcodes
ReadDatabar Read GS1 Databar barcodes
ReadDataMatrix Read Data Matrix barcodes
ReadEAN13 Read EAN-13 barcodes
ReadEAN8 Read EAN-8 barcodes
ReadMicroPDF417 Read micro-PDF-417 barcodes
ReadNumeric Only read numeric barcodes
ReadPatchCodes Read Patch Codes
ReadPDF417 Read PDF-417 barcodes
ReadShortCode128 Read short Code 128 barcodes
ReadUPCA Read UPC-A barcodes
ReadUPCE Read UPC-E barcodes
ReportUnreadBarcodes Report barcodes that could not be decoded
ScanDirection Orientation to scan for a barcode
ShortCode128MinLength Minimum length for a barcode of type "SHORTCODE128"
ShowCheckDigit Display check digits
SkewedDatamatrix Check for skewed linear barcodes
SkewedLinear Check for skewed datamatrix barcodes
SkewLineJump Frequency of line sampling for skewed barcodes
SkewTolerance Search for barcodes at an angle to horizontal or vertical
TifSplitMode Controls how a TIF file should be split
TifSplitPath Split a TIF file into smaller parts based on the location of barcodes in the image
TimeOut Set a time out for barcode detection
UseFastScan Do a quick scan prior to a deeper search.
UseOverSampling Another method for cleaning up 'noisy' images
WeightLongerBarcodes Boost the hit count for longer barcodes.

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