
Requirements and Preparation

  • Ensure that the client is licensed for the eSign module
  • Administration > Services > Properties > Front End:
    • Ensure that pdf_sign, upload_for_signature are not listed under Disabled Actions
    • If anything is changed here, a restart of the PaperTrail service is required
  • Administration > Services > Properties > eSign:
    • Set the eSignature Upload Node (ensure that users that will be designing templates have sufficient permissions here)

Creating a Design and a Template

  • V2 Interface: Select eSign. Click Upload for Signature and select the source document
  • Classic Interface: Select Tools > Upload for Signature
  • In the new tab (ensure that pop-ups are not blocked), set fields etc and then add the Signature box(es)
  • Signatures can be open to anyone (leave the Name field blank), or restricted to a specific user via the Name field
  • When done, click the disk (Save) icon to save the design. This saves the form design under the eSignature Upload Node defined in the Requirements and Preparation stage.
  • Then click the Settings cog and Save as template. Name the template and select the node that this template will reside in. This is the location where the created forms will save to

Signing Documents

  • V2 Interface: Navigate to eSign and select the form > New Request
  • Classic Interface: Tools > New Form
  • Signed documents will be created in the node specified under Save as template


  • To edit an existing design, V2 Interface: select the design by clicking eSign and selecting the design you wish to edit. Then More > Sign. Save the design and the template
  • To edit an existing design, Classic Interface: select the design from the eSignature Upload Node. Then Document > Sign. Save the design and the template
  • To auto-populate indexes based on values in the form, name the Field ID in the design stage to the same as the index you wish to populate.

Configuring a remote eSign server

  • On the production server: Admin > Services > Properties > eSign
    • Signature Upload Node: signature uploads
    • Signature Upload Http: (non-tenant environments). Create a random strong API key
    • Signature Upload Http: (tenant environments). Get the mytenant and mytenantAPIKey001 from the eSign Portal > Admin > User Management > Tenant
  • On the eSign Portal: Admin > Services > Properties > eSign
    • Signature Upload Node: signature uploads
    • Signature Api Key: myAPIKey001 (non-tenant environments); leave blank for tenant environments

You may require an O/S level host file entry on the eSign Portal server to point the production server's PaperTrail hostname (Properties > Front End > Server Hostname) to a public IP address.

e.g. client-pt01

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