Email Watch

Import emails from a specific email account

  1. Add a new Import Management -> Email Account.
  2. Add a new Import Management -> Email Import.
  3. Name – Specify the name of the import - this will be recorded under the history tab.
  4. Select the Node to import the document into.
  5. Select the Account created in step 1.
  6. Select an Attachment Policy
    *  _Body Only_ - Import the .html or .txt email body only.  
    *  _Attachments Only_ – Import attachments only e.g .pdf, .word.  
    *  _Source Only_ - Import the email as a .eml suitable for search an preview.  
    *  _Document Archive_ – Used in conjunction with the autoExport rule.  
    *  _Threads_ – Update the original email with any replies – The Document.response event can be used to trigger notifications / workflows etc.
  7. Click Add.

Filter spam or unwanted messages out

  1. Create one or more Email Imports with a Rule Order of 1.
  2. Specify unwanted terms under the Field Tab e.g.
  3. Create all other Email Imports with a Rule Order larger than 1.

Import emails from one email account with multiple aliases

  1. Create one email account.
  2. Create one or more email import and specify the alias under the Rules -> To and Rules -> CC fields.
  3. Select the email account created under step 1.

Map email fields to document indexes

  1. Select the node to import the emails to.
  2. Map the fields under the Fields tab.

Exclude signature images and other attachments from being imported.

  1. Under the rules tab, specify a semi-colon separated list of unwanted extensions under Attachment Exclusion Filter. e.g. .gif;.jpeg;*.png


  1. Specify only the attachments you want to import under Attachment Inclusion Filter. .pdf;.doc*

Update the original email when a reply is received (threading)

Import emails from Office365 OAuth - Delegated Access

To set up:
Add username
Add password
Add the tenantId in Advanced
Add the clientId in Advanced
Add the resource in Advanced

e.g. in Advanced:


Import emails from Office365 OAuth - Application Access

To set up:

Add User Email as username
Add Client Secret as password
Add the tenantId in Advanced
Add the clientId in Advanced
Add the resource in Advanced
Add the secret=true in Advance

e.g. in Advanced:


Troubleshooting email imports:

  1. Ensure that standard email clients can connect over the POP and IMAP Protocols.
  2. Check Services -> Properties -> Imports -> Debug POP/IMAP to record the conversion with the POP/IMAP server to if it returns any error messages.

Polling mail servers with a self-signed certificate

Should you not be able to connect to a mailbox, with the below error in the logfile, the issue is due to a certificate not in the Java cacerts file:
PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

  1. Obtain a copy of the CER file for the mailserver and save on disk to the PaperTrail server (mailserver.cer in this example)
  2. Run CMD prompt as administrator / Linux shell as root
  3. Navigate to the Java bin directory:
    • Windows: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_221\bin
    • Linux: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/bin
  4. Import the certificate to the Java Security cacerts file
    • Windows: keytool -importcert -trustcacerts -file "C:\Downloads\mailserver.cer" -keystore "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_221\lib\security\cacerts" -alias "mailserver"
    • Linux: keytool -importcert -trustcacerts -file /root/mailserver.cer -keystore /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/security/cacerts -alias mailserver
  5. Set the password to changeit and trust the certificate
  6. Restart PaperTrail
  7. If there is still an issue, try adding this line to / service_x64.vmoptions and restart PaperTrail
    • Windows\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_221\lib\security\cacerts
    • Linux

How to obtain the self-signed certificate file

  1. OpenSSL command is available on Linux or Install OpenSSL for Windows (releases under the OpenSSL node)
  2. On Linux systems, openssl should be available to run in the CLI
  3. Windows only: Open CMD prompt as Administrator, Navigate to C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin
    echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>&1 > mailserver.cer
  4. Replace with the relevant details, e.g.
  5. Edit mailserver.cer and add BEGIN CERTIFICATE AND END CERTIFICATE lines around the certificate as below
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----

Issues polling mail servers with TLS

Should you not be able to connect to a mailbox, with the below error in the logfile, the issue is due to a Java update which disables legacy TLS protocols:
Failed to connect to: javax.mail.MessagingException: No appropriate protocol (protocol is disabled or cipher suites are inappropriate); nested exception is: No appropriate protocol (protocol is disabled or cipher suites are inappropriate)

It appears that a release of Java around April 2021 disables TLSv1 and TLSv1.1. The below lines in the file (\Java\jre1.8.0_291\lib\security) should be commented out and PaperTrail restarted:
#jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, RC4, DES, MD5withRSA, \
# DH keySize < 1024, EC keySize < 224, 3DES_EDE_CBC, anon, NULL, \
# include jdk.disabled.namedCurves

Issues with Remote host closed connection during handshake

Should you not be able to connect to a mailbox, with the below error in the logfile, the issue is due to an outdated mail.jar file in the PaperTrail libs directory
Failed to connect to: javax.mail.MessagingException: Remote host closed connection during handshake;

The offending mail.jar is v1.4.4, with the updated jar being v1.6.2

  1. Remove mail.jar from the libs directory
  2. Obtain v1.6.2 of javax.mail.jar, rename to mail.jar and place in the libs directory (
  3. Restart PaperTrail

See also PPT-11861

Polling email servers via a Proxy

Should PaperTrail be forced to use a proxy server for outside connectivity, PaperTrail 889 b2479 onward is required with the below settings: (proxy host - required)
mail.ewsstore.proxy.port=80 (proxy port - required)
If the proxy requires authentication, the following settings are required:

Note that these proxy settings are specific to email imports and differ from the general proxy settings needed to reach, for example, SMS gateways

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