Updating the log settings
- All log settings are stored in the
file - The Admin -> Services -> Logging page will make changes to this file if the After Restart option is selected
Log file Retention
To configure the number of days to keep Papertrail logs, locate and edit the following document:
e.g. keeps the logs for a period of 14 days:appender("FILE", RollingFileAppender) { file = "logs/server.log" append = true rollingPolicy(TimeBasedRollingPolicy) { maxHistory = 14 FileNamePattern = "logs/server-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log" } }
Locate the section
maxHistory = 14
modify the 14 with the amount of days to keep logs.- Restart PaperTrail for the settings to take effect.
Logging to Syslog Host
import com.egis.utils.apm.*;
import org.productivity.java.syslog4j.impl.net.tcp.*;
appender("SYSLOG", SyslogAppender) {
layout(LogglyLayout) { apiToken = "XXXXX" }
syslogConfig(TCPNetSyslogConfig) {
host = "logs-01.loggly.com"
port = 514
ident = "papertrail"
Logging to a GELF Host
Replace //gelf in the logback.groovy with:
appender("GELF", GelfAppender) {
host = "${gelfHost}"
filter(ThresholdFilter) {
level = ${gelfLevel}
port = 12201
additionalFields = '{"threadName": "threadName", "exception": "exception", "loggerName": "loggerName", "ip":"ip","user":"user","doc":"doc"}'
The following properties will automate this
setup: gelf.host
and gelf.level
Logging to individual files per logger
e.g. to append file access logs to a standalone storage.log
appender("STORAGE", RollingFileAppender) {
file = "logs/storage.log"
append = true
rollingPolicy(TimeBasedRollingPolicy) {
maxHistory = 14
FileNamePattern = "logs/storahe-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log"
encoder(PatternLayoutEncoder) {
pattern = "%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} %level %logger{0} [%X{user}%X{doc}:%X{ip}] %msg%n"
logger('com.egis.storage', INFO)
logger("com.egis.storage", DEBUG, ['STORAGE'], false)