
Updating the log settings

  • All log settings are stored in the conf/logback.groovy file
  • The Admin -> Services -> Logging page will make changes to this file if the After Restart option is selected

Log file Retention

  • To configure the number of days to keep Papertrail logs, locate and edit the following document: PaperTrail/conf/logback.groovy e.g. keeps the logs for a period of 14 days:

    appender("FILE", RollingFileAppender) {             
     file = "logs/server.log"             
     append = true             
     rollingPolicy(TimeBasedRollingPolicy) {                 
         maxHistory = 14                 
         FileNamePattern = "logs/server-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log"             
  • Locate the section maxHistory = 14 modify the 14 with the amount of days to keep logs.

  • Restart PaperTrail for the settings to take effect.

Logging to Syslog Host

import com.egis.utils.apm.*; 
import org.productivity.java.syslog4j.impl.net.tcp.*; 

 appender("SYSLOG", SyslogAppender) {  
    layout(LogglyLayout) {     apiToken = "XXXXX"     }    
    syslogConfig(TCPNetSyslogConfig) {     
        host =  "logs-01.loggly.com"
        port = 514
        ident = "papertrail"

Logging to a GELF Host

Replace //gelf in the logback.groovy with:

appender("GELF", GelfAppender) {     
    host = "${gelfHost}"    
     filter(ThresholdFilter) {       
           level = ${gelfLevel}   
   port = 12201  
   additionalFields =  '{"threadName": "threadName", "exception": "exception", "loggerName": "loggerName", "ip":"ip","user":"user","doc":"doc"}' 

The following properties will automate this setup: gelf.host and gelf.level

Logging to individual files per logger

e.g. to append file access logs to a standalone storage.log file:

appender("STORAGE", RollingFileAppender) {
    file = "logs/storage.log"
    append = true
    rollingPolicy(TimeBasedRollingPolicy) {
        maxHistory = 14
        FileNamePattern = "logs/storahe-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log"
    encoder(PatternLayoutEncoder) {
        pattern = "%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} %level %logger{0} [%X{user}%X{doc}:%X{ip}] %msg%n"

logger('com.egis.storage', INFO)
logger("com.egis.storage", DEBUG, ['STORAGE'], false)

results matching ""

    No results matching ""