
Encrypting files at rest (AES)

  • Add the following to the papertrail.properties file before starting PaperTrail for the first time


  • In the conf directory on disk, add the java keystore as keys.jks
  • In the conf directory on disk, create keys.properties with the entries:

  • The original filestore should be converted to read-only and the new encrypted filestore moved to Order and ID 1

  • To do this, first edit the original filestore and point it to a new desired encrypted repo location (Services > File Store):
  • Select Software under the Encrypt option.
  • Enter a Key size e.g. 128, 196, 256.
  • Enter the unique key name for this store.
  • The encryption key will be automatically generated on restart and stored obfuscated in the database.

  • Then re-add the original filestore location as read-only without the encryption. You will need to select Async here.

  • Thereafter modify the file_store_properties table in the DB to remove the Async: update file_store_property set value = 'false' where property = 'async' and filestoreid = 2;

  • Restart PaperTrail

  • Rebuild indexes

  • You can try and decrypt the encrypted file in the repository with the below command (salt issue):
    openssl enc -aes-128-ecb -md md5 -in ./bdf520afa6100a7d5c0950da0ff6835038197d5e -out ./bdf520afa6100a7d5c0950da0ff6835038197d5e.pdf -pass file:./keys.jks

Encrypting files in transit (SSL)

  • Create a Java keystore (JKS)

If you have a pfx or certificate in another format it will need to be converted to JKS using tool like KeyStore Explorer or OpenSSL

  • Copy the keystore to conf/keystore.
  • Under Services -> Properties -> Front End (SSL).
  • Check Enable.
  • Enter the keystore password.
  • Optional: Check Force SSL to ensure all traffic from HTTP is redirected to HTTPS.
  • Click Save.
  • Restart PaperTrail.

Encrypting Outbound Email (SMIME)

In papertrail.properties add the following property: e.g.

email.smime.out.<email address>=<path to X509 public certificate>



To test: Email anything from PaperTrail to that email and it should automatically be encrypted.

Decrypting Inbound Email (SMIME)

Under Services -> Properties -> Imports configure.

Email Decryption Cert Path: A path to a JCEKS Key Store (Note: JCEKS not JKS) that contains one or more keys to decrypt incoming email. The file should have an jceks extension. Each entry in the keystore should have the same password as the keystore it self.

Email Decryption Password: The password to the keystore.

To test try and view any encrypted mail in preview - The body and attachments should be available - if it does not work then a smime.p7m attachment will only be visible.

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